Allen Elementary School in Floyd County, Kentucky, has a unique asterisk in the STLP history books. Allen Elementary recorded a State Champion project at the 2018, 2019 and 2020 STLP State Championship…the first school to win in three consecutive years!

The winning projects shared some characteristics (even though each one was different from the other): their projects solved real issues that impacted the students lives, they each focused on serving others, and each of the project teams had Mr. Mike Bell as their STLP Coach.  Naturally, we wanted to learn ever lesson we could from Mr. Bell and he was kind enough to carve some time out to sit down and chat with Jeff Sebulsky, STLP Kentucky’s Program Manager, via video call to let us in one his secrets to success with STLP (hint: his wisdom applies to way more than just STLP).

Thanks to Mike for sharing his insights with us. There’s a lot here for every educator to take away.