The 2023-24 STLP Engineering team poses for a group photo during their visit to the Kentucky Department of Education in Frankfort, KY.
Join the Team!

The 2023-24 STLP Engineering team poses for a group photo during their visit to the Kentucky Department of Education in Frankfort, KY.


Being selected as an Engineer/Ambassador (E/A) is the pinnacle of STLP.  The privilege of being an STLP Engineer/Ambassador comes with the serious responsibility of representing STLP regionally, as well as, statewide!   Before applying, be certain that you are ready to accept the commitment to be the strongest agent of STLP when called upon.

The STLP Engineer/Ambassador is an outstanding student leader in the utilization of technology to design, create, and collaborate to solve complicated technical issues.  While STLP Engineers/Ambassadors are highly technical, they are also intrinsically motivated and contain interpersonal skills necessary to demonstrate advanced leadership, while also recognizing the importance of being a life-long learner.

The STLP Engineer/Ambassador honors the STLP Mission in their everyday actions with peers, educators and community members.

Selected students will be invited to participate in a student advisory group with the Kentucky Department of Education’s Office of Education Technology.  They will also provide technical support and leadership at KySTE as well as the STLP State Championship.  Engineers/Ambassadors are recognized at the State Championship each year.

STLP Engineer Candidates must be in 9th through 12th grade. Each school is welcome to submit up to two candidates for the Engineer/Ambassador service

Review the Engineer Candidate Packet/Rubric carefully and submit applications no later than the posted deadline.

How to Prepare & Apply:

  • Read the rubric for guidance in preparation for  interview

  • Create an informative video answering the questions located at the bottom of rubric.  Include a typed document with your responses.

  • Prepare a one-page resume that reflects skill sets and rubric requirements

  • Ask 2 persons from school, district, employer  or community to prepare a one-page letter of recommendation

  • Upload video, resume, answers to questions, and letters of recommendation to a shared Google Drive folder that judges will have access to view.

  • Check the online schedule to understand and acknowledge that, if selected, you are committing to attend  the student advisory group meeting (~1.5 days in Frankfort), support the KySTE conference (3.5 days in Louisville), and State Championship (2 days in Lexington).



Drumroll, please! Join us in congratulating the newest members of the STLP Engineer/Ambassador team. Competition was incredibly stiff for the coveted spots on this year’s STLP E/A team. Applications were so strong, judges needed extra time to collaborate on their selections.

Along with the returning STLP Engineer/Ambassadors from 2023-2024, let’s give this whole group a warm STLP welcome! Be sure to say hi when you see them at KySTE in 2025 and leading STLP State.

Let’s give a massive STLP shoutout to:

Floyd Co. Floyd Central HS Mia Queen-Gilliam 11th
Webster Co. Webster Co. HS Braghen Sloat 11th
Warren Co. South Warren  HS Grayson Cox 11th
Warren Co. Warren Central HS Marlaina Weiss 12th
Johnson Co. Johnson Central HS Kylie Castle 11th
Eminence Ind. Eminence HS Adelaide Dennis 11th
Metcalf Co. Metcalf Co.  HS Logan Gaskins 12th
Eminence Ind. Eminence HS Truman Gilbert 11th
Russell Ind. Russell Ind.  HS Casey Malone 12th
Kenton Co. Dixie Heights HS Brooke McDuffie 12th
Warren Co. Warren Central HS Surya Rasuli 12th
Non-Public Assumption HS Natalia Garza 9th
Metcalf Co. Metcalf Co. HS Landon Heckle 12th
  • Deadline to Apply: Nov. 1
  • KDE Advisory Group – Frankfort: Feb. 18
  • KySTE Tech Support – Louisville: 3/11-3/14
  • STLP State – Lexington: 4/22 & 4/23
  • Representing STLP at Events: TBA

Note: Dates are subject to change. Always verify with E/A Team Lead prior to planning travel to events.

View the STLP Engineer/Ambassador Scoring Guide to review all the application requirements. The application may change annually, so always check that you’re referencing the latest version (released at start of school annually).

Click here to view the E/A Scoring Guide

Click here to view the E/A Application

  • Applications are open to any 9-12th grade STLP Student Leaders.
  • To be selected as an E/A and to remain an active E/A, students must be currently enrolled in any Kentucky public school or be recognized as a certified non-public school by the Kentucky Department of Education
  • Students full time enrolled in an A8 online, virtual, remote learning program which is part of a Kentucky public school district are welcome to apply.

Each year, 2 may apply from the same school.

As a representative of STLP, the Kentucky Department of Education, KySTE and their home school/district, all Engineer/Ambassadors are expected to conduct themselves at all times in respectful, professional, ethical and safe ways.

While at events, E/As are subject to all district policies/guidelines related to student behavior and discipline. In other words, while at STLP related events, E/As are on a “field trip” and have the same rules as if they were at school.

“Once an Engineer, always an Engineer”. Returning E/A do not need to reapply each year.

Having a consistent team is important. If you cannot commit to attending all STLP related events, please consider allowing another student leader to take your application position as spots are limited and selection is very competitive.

  • All E/As must be transported to and from STLP events following their districts guidelines for out of district travel.
  • Chaperones must also be district approved following local policies and procedures.
  • Funds to support E/A and chaperone travel are supplied to the district for disbursement in accordance with local financial policies and procedures. If a parent is allowed to act as an E/As chaperone to STLP events, please refer to your district finance office for reimbursement processes.
  • Even E/As that are over 18 years of age are required to travel with a district approved chaperone and may not attend STLP events without district approved supervision
  • STLP provides a lump sum to the E/As school district to help defray the expenses related to traveling to required events.
  • STLP provides the stipend to the district, then district determine how funds are utilized and dispersed to support the E/A in accordance with district policy/procedures.
  • STLP does not reimburse E/As or chaperones directly for expenses. See district finance office prior to travel to make certain all locally required steps are met in advance.
  • Stipend funds left over at the end of year remain with the school district to help support STLP further.
  • If stipend funds are expended before the end of the year, the school/district is responsible to cover any additional expenses incurred.
  • The stipend is provided to help cover costs related to travel, including lodging, mileage, and food.
  • Advisory Meeting at KDE:
    • Depending on travel distance, some may wish to travel to Frankfort the day before
    • Stipend can be utilized to cover related housing and meal expenses
  • KySTE in Louisville:
    • the KySTE Board provides complimentary group housing for E/As and for one chaperone.
    • E/As are grouped and share rooms (typically no more than 4 to a room).
    • Chaperones are also provided complimentary housing and are requested to share a room with another Chaperone.
    • Students traveling with a parent chaperone are still expected to stay in E/A room for team-building experiences.
    • Out of respect for the KySTE Board’s generosity, individual room requests cannot be accommodate.
    • Chaperones are welcome to book a private room in advance on their own.
    • Additional travel/meal expenses related to KySTE can utilize stipend funds.
  • STLP State in Lexington
    • EAs are requested to arrive the day before STLP State to assist with event prep and to learn the venue layout.
    • EAs that must travel with school/district delegation also attending STLP State must confirm plans with Team Lead ASAP.
    • Stipend can be utilized for all travel expenses related to attending STLP State.

Photo of Jim Seward, STLP E/A Lead


Jim Seward volunteers to facilitate opportunities for the STLP Engineer/ Ambassadors, serving as the Team Lead. Jim also serves the students and staff of the Bellevue Independent School system as their District Technology Coordinator. Along with Casey Woods, Dayton Ind. CIO/DTC, Jim helped build and grow the STLP E/A program for nearly a decade before stepping into the Team Lead role in 2021.

Contact: Jim.Seward@bellevue.kyschools.us or at stlp@education.ky.gov

2023-2024 Team
Floyd Co. Floyd Central HS Audrey Bays 12th
Webster Co. Webster Co. HS Braghen Sloat 10th
Russell Ind. Russell HS Casey Malone 11th
Warren Co. Warren Central HS Marlaina Weiss 11th
Johnson Co. Johnson Central HS Ryan Rice 12th
Bellevue Ind. Bellevue HS Skyler Benitez 12th
Floyd Co. Floyd Central HS Laci O’Quinn 12th
Eminence Ind. Eminence HS Truman Gilbert 11th


2022-2023 Team
Floyd Co. Floyd Central HS Todd Prater 11th
Bath Co. Bath Co. HS Colby Conn 12th
Jessamine Co. JC Tech & Career Ctr Shannon Sizemore 12th
Fairview Ind. Fairview HS Troy Daniels 12th
Johnson Co. Johnson Central HS Grace Blackburn 11th
Rowan Co. Rowan Co. HS Nathan Jones 12th
Scott Co. Great Crossing HS Tucker Brewer 12th
Bellevue Ind. Bellevue HS JJ Southwick 12th
Pulaski Co. Pulaski Co. HS Mason Thompson 12th