What a great problem to have! Imagine having students so interested and engaged in a learning activity that they flock to STLP in droves! Happens all the time.

STLP is for all that show an interest. STLP coordinators will need to work with principals, CIO’s, Digital Learning Coaches, parents, other staff, and community persons to help each group (projects, product, service) have guidance from an adult. Other older students can also help lead the younger students, as well.

Not all students need to meet as a large group, since STLP is not structured like a club with defined meetings, but rather structured to accomplish goals of STLP. Cluster the students into groups based upon the work they do.

The STLP Coordinators will need support from the school district when more than 50 students want to be part of the program. No interested student should be turned away.  Coordinators could help those students find and develop a meaningful projects, products or services to accomplish.