Now that we’re firmly into the start of the 2022-23 school year, most schools are sharpening their focus on STLP and kicking off activities to prepare for launching project teams, exploring DPOJ categories, and trying their hand at collecting Level Up badges. It’s an exciting time! For this month’s STLP Headlines and Deadlines, we’ve got lots to share. Let’s dive in…
View the Complete Mid-September Headlines and Deadlines by clicking the image, specific topics are detailed below:

Get Recognized!
Annually, STLP schools need to complete the Get Recognized form to remain an active and connected STLP Coach/Coordinator. Last week we challenged schools to complete the form as part of “Get Recognized Week”. I’m happy to report that (so far) 316 schools are already recognized, with about 30% of those STLPs are “Launching” or “Relaunching” after several years away. Welcome to our new STLP Coaches!
Stay Connected
Speaking of new and returning STLP Coaches, an important part of participating is to stay connected with updates like these.
- Follow @STLPKentucky on Twitter
- Subscribe to the KYSTLP email listserv HERE
- Get to know the STLP Super Sheet
STLP Quick Shots
Join short, remotely presented, sessions that focus on individual STLP topic. Your questions guide the discussion. Quick shots are after school and 20 minutes or less. Links to the sessions will post on the STLP Quick Shots Hub the day of the session. Topics include:
- How to Level Up — 9/22, 4:15 pm EST
- Project Toolkit Intro — 9/29 , 4:15 pm EST
- Focus on Level 1 Projects — 10/6, 4:15 pm EST
- Explore DPOJ Categories — 10/13, 4:15 EST
- Go “All In” for STLP State — 10/20, 4:15 EST
- More announced soon!
STLP Project Cycle: Regionals Updates
- Kick off your STLP Project ideas by sharing the 2022-23 Project Toolkit with students.
- Complete “Level i” activities now to focus teams and project ideas.
- Review the Level 1 Project rubric to prepare responses to the Guiding Questions.
- Build your Level 1 elevator pitch using available digital resources & practice presenting remotely via video conference.
- Register to participate by Nov. 1 (Opens Oct. 1)
- Get ready to share you pitch Nov. 14-18
What is STLP All IN?
Bringing students and communities together to celebrate how they utilize technology for deeper learning throughout the year is the focus of STLP State. This year, we’re bringing the best STLP State Championship experience ever to your students on April 19th in Lexington. Start now to plan your school’s visit to State. It’s time to go ALL IN and get as many people together as possible so we can. Work today to get transportation and other logistics in place will help ensure that your STLP can be part of the best day of the year. Read more here